is the leading open source tutorials web site on the net. Covering topics from PHP Tutorials, Perl Tutorials, and every other possible tutorial that could be related to the open source development community. is our open source development community where users can come to discuss, ask questions, or get feed back on their different ideas realated to open source projects such as MySQL, PHP, Perl, Java, Linix, or any other open source technology. We do not include Microsoft and other closed source system like some of the other communities that call themselves open source do. Take a look for yourself. contains our patent pending approach to finding illegally reprinted copies of articles online called Article Guard™. Many people spend a lot of time writing articles to promote themselves and their site. Most authors require that their name, copyright information, and urls be included with a reprint of the articles but many sites take this information off or even worse claim the article as their own and start asking others to reprint it. Article Guard™ is a service that helps by finding these criminals and giving you information on how to take action and even get money in return for these people violating your rights. "Where Geeks Answer Your Questions!" - is a great way to get answers to technical questions; be it how come my MP3 deck in my car wont play the MP3 I burnt onto the CD or how can I stop my VCR from blinking 12:00. Experts from all disciplines come to help out users with their questions. is the home of Ann-Lindsey's budget fashion, travel, and shopping advice blog.

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